Tag Archive | this is your brain on stupid

This Is Your Brain On Stupid — #2

This Is Your Brain On StupidThe Canoe Incident

The man child is out in the backyard working with Daddy to clean up and prepare the fire bowl for an evening of roasting marshmallows. When he suddenly notices the canoe filled to the brim with water.

Well we can’t just let that sit there like that now can we!? No of course no. We need to run and leap over it. At it’s widest point of course.

And so the second of the “Hey y’all watch this!” moments. He gathers himself up, takes off running, and leaps….. right into the water filled canoe.

Yep..that’s our Honor Roll Student!

© 2010 Evil Wordsmith. Evilwordsmith.com. All Rights Reserved.



This Is Your Brain On Stupid — #1

Your Brain On StupidThe ZuZu Pet Incident

So the Honor Roll Student gets a ZuZu pet. We’re on our way to school. As we left the house Momma specifically says “Don’t put that on your head, you’ll get it stuck in your hair.”

As we get to school: “Momma I put him on my head and now he’s stuck in my hair!”

To which Mom and Dad start cracking up and grab the camera! The first moment of the redneck call “Hey y’all watch this”.

© 2010 Evil Wordsmith. Evilwordsmith.com. All Rights Reserved.

96 Points in the Game on the Wall, 96 Points in the Game…

Picture an airport bar, somewhere halfway between Green Bay, Wisconsin and Phoenix, Arizona…

A bunch of large surly looking men, half which are in red pajamas and half in green, are sitting at the bar, watching a football game having a few beers.  One of them in red shouts, “GEEZ, he scored again!”

His buddy in green replies, “I bet I could have stopped that…”

Red says, “Ever get that feeling you’re forgetting something but you can’t remember what it was?”

“Yeah, I’ve had that feeling all day, seems like I was supposed to be going somewhere.” Green says.

“And you know that feeling is never wrong…”

“Another touchdown… good thing we aren’t drinking to the scores.”


In walks a bunch of irritated guys in darker green jammies, “… no flights to Dallas at all till next Fall…” one of them mutters.

2009 Vote

Here in Virginia they’re making a big deal about our Gubernatorial election. I’ve heard several times today from News prognosticators that the Virginia election will be a referendum on Pres. Obama’s popularity and his policies. I don’t think so Virginians are that shallow. And I find the comment some what insulting.

I’ve lived in Virginia for most of my life. We moved here when I was 3. While the state has been some what conservative and republican for a majority of it’s history. It’s also an intelligent and contemporary place as well. We can give credit for that to Northern Virginia and the influx of people from around the world who come there to work in and around Washington DC. But don’t discount the high education and engaging people around our Universities as well. Virginia Tech, Univ. of Va, George Mason and James Madison are all highly respected colleges that turn out some very smart people who can actually thing for themselves.

We have the ability to look at issues affecting our state separate from those affecting a Presidential or national stage. We understand the affect of decisions in DC upon our State. But we also take accountability for our own government and how it approaches the real problems that all Virginians face around the state.

So to those prognosticators I say, shut up and sit down. Your 10 minutes are up. Not everything that happens in politics is based on the popularity of someone, or the popularity of their policies. Virginians are smart, educated and quite capable of deciding our elections based on issues and not on the popularity of which parties lapel pin you’re wearing.