The winter solstice, also known as midwinter, is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. It occurs when one of the Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt away from the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere.
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the solstice occurs on December 21st and marks the start of the Winter holiday for Pagans. This end of the year Solstice is also known as Midwinter, Yule for Pagans, the Longest Night, and Jól for the Norse.
Yule or Yuletide for Pagans, is a 12 day celebration. It’s the true 12 Days of Yule that have become known to Christians as the 12 Days of Christmas. But the 12 Days of Yule honors the Goddess in all 3 of her forms, the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. And it also includes a celebration to honor the rebirth of the God, in the form of the Sun. He is reborn at this time of the year, after a self-sacrifice in the summer time to nurture the fields, flocks and herds.
Each one of these representations of the Divine is honored and observed for a 3 day period beginning with the Maiden. The Mother Goddess comes next, followed by the Sun God, and ending with the Crone. It’s obvious to see how the cycle of life is recognized and honored during this winter festival that recognizes the Divine within each of us, and our connection to all things, seen and unseen around us and throughout the natural world.
Everyone here at Evilwordsmith sends out a very Merry Yuletide to you and yours during this holiday season; whatever that is for your family.
Many Blessings!

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