Tag Archive | books

A Book About Us

I do engineering work, and as a result I know quite a few technicians and engineers like me. One thing we all have in common is that we often seem cold and detached. We are well suited to mining through and moving data because it’s built into our psyche. We are also poorly suited for the emotional world around us.

Unfortunately our wives don’t always get to see the other sides of us. Sometimes in our effort to do what we see as our duty we bury that other side so deep that I’m sure it seems like that other side has simply vanished, or worse, was never there in the first place.

One of those engineer friends of mine, Greg Riffe,  has written a book which gives a unique look beneath his surface. I’m not finished reading it yet, but it’s obvious to me that he is bravely speaking for the rest of us who share this detached persona.

He’s opened up that other side for everyone to see. If you’re one of the spouses wondering if the rest of him is still in there, then this is a book you should read. If you’re one of the analytical types who seem unfeeling and overly guarded, you should read this and remember that part of yourself hidden deep within.

A Look Behind My Eyes, by Greg Riffe


By the way Greg has been a very bad influence in my life. Talked me into doing really dumb things like quitting a perfectly good job and becoming self employed. Pretty sure he’s owed some bad Karma for that, and barring that maybe a beer or two. His friendship is one I truly honor and respect.

© 2012 Evil Wordsmith. Evilwordsmith.com. All Rights Reserved.

Serious Pagan Study

I have been an atheist all of my life, shunning anything spiritual. Years ago I met a great guy who was devoutly Christian and I couldn’t help but notice what his deep spirituality did for him. I envied that a great deal.

Now I could never be Christian, I simply can’t get past a lot of the dogma that surrounds it. It just doesn’t fit me. However I did make a wonderful discovery in Paganism. I met some new friends who showed me that I can be spiritual simply by deciding for myself what I believe and how to use that belief.

In short, my religion is a religion of one. It is tailor made for me and by me. And I’d say that it works as well as my friend’s beliefs did for him.book-101.gif

Now I’m naturally a planner, there is still nothing more fun to me than playing with the kid and his Legos. And I build for a living as well. So it wasn’t too hard for me to build a religion without a plan. I did have plenty of good help, but I made the plan from scratch.

I realize that for a lot of people, they need someone else to help create the plan. Fortunately there are a number of good places to start, and here is one of them:
Pagan Metaphysics 101

One of those people who helped me early on was, in fact the author of this book, Springwolf. Oh and she’s now my Queen. So yeah, I guess I cheated…