Power Picks Champion’s
Trophy by Springwolf
2014 Season: Week 1 Picks
Can you believe it’s already Football time? Where did the summer go? It was shortened for us this year. Our county decided to send kids back to school 2 weeks early. Who thought this was a good idea!? I’m sure it will be great when May comes around and our kids are getting out for the summer. I’m up for that.
In the meantime, it’s time for football, yeah! We have our annual family friendly 9rediction competition, we call it our Power Picks Cup. Evil is the proud owner of the 2013 Power Picks Cup. But only because I didn’t make picks for the entire season last year. …that’s my story and I’m sticking to it….
So here we are a new season begins. Another chance to be the family Champion and claim our kewl lookin’ trophy. Hey, we think it’s kewl and it’s our trophy, no judgements from the peanut gallery.
Here’s my Week 1 picks.
Week 1
It’s always hard for me to make my picks at the beginning of the season. I don’t follow all the statistics, read all the analysis of the teams and their players based on pre-season. Who’s hurt, who’s not, who’s shining from camp and who looks like they had a hard summer. I use some gut feeling, some previous performance from last year and a little of what I remember from last years standings. Continue reading →