McCain Just Pushed My Vote To Obama

Gov. Sarah Palin as Vice President. Was it a good choice? What does she bring to the table? Well let’s see –

She is against any type of abortion, including those involving incest and rape. Tell a 14 year old who was raped by her uncle and has become pregnant that the trauma of the rape isn’t all she has to deal with; but the emotional trauma of being forced to carry her rapists baby is now facing her for the next 9 months. From this rape survivor it’s a demand that no person has the right to put on any woman. And it’s even less understandable coming from another woman. My guess is, she has no experience with rape and incest victims, no idea of the emotional trauma one goes through after being raped, and no earthly idea of what one deals with in trying to heal from these devastating events. This alone causes me to seriously question the choice.

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This entry was posted on August 30, 2008, in Politics.

Football Picks for Preseason Week 4

…And the ones for the Hall of Fame game and the first three preseason weeks. I know what you’re thinking, “Yeah, sure, you’re picking the games AFTER they played…” If you will look at the data, I think my honesty speaks for itself… Ugh, I sure hope these results are because all the coaches finally took my advice and are keeping their starters bubble wrapped safely in the locker room and fielding anybody they think might be a diamond in the rough.

Seriously, if I was a coach, my starters might go out there for 3 or 4 plays with these instructions: If you think that you might break a nail, DROP THE BALL; we ain’t playing for money here. After that, I’d have the Mom of the kid from the hotdog stand, you know, Doris “The Pocket” Tidwell, as left tackle, the peanut tosser would be snapping the ball and the hotdog kid himself would be the QB. My receiver would be that kid I saw outrun the police car in the mall parking lot. “Hey kid… do you think you could catch a football while you’re running like that?” The water boy would be wide right…

I don’t know what the rules are about bringing 9 to 12 hundred potential players to the game, but I figure if you sift through that many wannabe football players you might find that diamond. You know the kid you send out, “Ok I don’t care about accuracy I just wanna see how far you can throw,” that comes back, “Um, I’m sorry coach. I’ll go run out there in the parking lot and find that ball…”

“That’s ok kid, we’ll get another ball… um… what’s your name?”

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This entry was posted on August 28, 2008, in Sports - NFL.

A Lazy Summer Day

A Slow Train Day

It was a very hot August day. I’m not sure if that had anything to do with the scarcity of trains. But we only saw one freight train roll through town today.


CSX 5268

© This material is the intellectual property of Author Springwolf
© 2008-2013 All Rights Reserved. Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D.

Why The Design Guy is Dangerous

So, being in the fire prevention business, I am one of those people who used to actually test the smoke detectors in the house regularly. By that I mean, I go and look at it, see that the little green light is on saying the battery is ok and then press the test button to hear it sound off.

Back before My Queen, I lived very compactly. As in one 15’x10′ room. Being a technical kind of guy, creature comforts were never a big deal to me. In that room, was my TV, stereo, bed, my office chair and desk and computers. I lived, slept and worked in there for a decade. Only thing it didn’t have was a kitchen, for that, I had to travel down the hall to another room.

This started after I finally got smart enough to leave my first wife. Being fairly poor I rented my old bedroom from Mom. Later, she moved out to live with her boyfriend and I had the whole house to myself. Much to the irritation of my buddies, I didn’t spread out to the rest of the house. I liked compact.

So, one night I go into the kitchen and put me on a pot of spinach, which was halfway between a meal and a snack in my thinking. I had a craving. The phone rings, it’s business, my favorite customer. He likes me a lot and he likes to talk, so we talked as usual for quite a while. Long enough for me to get sidetracked from the task at hand.

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They Caught the Unabomber, Why Can’t They Stop The Design Guy?

I’ll get to the smoke detector in a minute. First I have to tell you about my recent re-encounter with a Design Guy device that is so old it proves that he’s been around mucking stuff up far longer than the Unabomber. This evil technology is called the TORX screw.

Some time last week, the cable that supports the tailgate on My Queen’s ’95 Bronco broke. She was taking her Mustang in to Ford for a handful of repairs that only the dealer can make (I felt a great disturbance in the force, it was as if thousands of dollar bills cried out in agony and then were silenced into someone else’s bank account.) and she asked me if I wanted to let them fix this. Hell no I said, it’s 4 bolts and I don’t even have to do any kind of contortion to reach them.

After buying the cables for 44 bucks EACH (It’s an 18 inch piece of 3/16 galvanized aircraft cable with a couple of crimped on eyes, I was expecting it to be high priced at around 15 bucks…) I was DAMN sure that I didn’t want Ford to make this repair. So I buy the cables.

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Never Mind Osama bin Laden, Let Me Tell You About The Design Guy

Well, if you’ve been anxiously waiting for my first posting, please, make sure you take your meds immediately. Speaking of meds, if you have read this far here’s the legal info: I am not responsible for anything anywhere, don’t come suing me Jack. If you are still reading, note that you will not get your previous 2 minutes back, no refunds. At this point if you’re still here, then I would like to point out that there are fine psychiatric professionals who can probably help you.


Ok… still here? Welcome, there’s no hope for you. You may as well read on.


This is a place where I intend to bitch. A lot. Loudly. My significant other has stopped listening to it so I figured I’d shoot it out into cyberspace. Quote my five year old: “If Daddy is gonna be this grumpy, he should go back to bed.” I hate it when people make me laugh while I’m mad.


I also intend to expose the work of the most evil man on earth, and since no one knows his name I’m calling him: The Design Guy. His workings are insidious, they hit you slowly and from every angle and every where, such that you don’t consciously notice it. But it’s there, like a spray of automatic weapons fire in slow motion. In these posts, I’ll expose him and his evil work so that everyone can see him.

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I HATE Comcast! Part 3

The Comcast saga continues.

So the tech was supposed to be here between 6 to 9am. We got up at 5:30 to make sure we were up and waiting for the call from the tech that he/she was on their way. And of course they never came.

Here it is 10:20 and the tech just called and said she was on her way. After telling her she was suposed to be here before 9am, she replies “I don’t know why they told you that we don’t even get to the office in Spotsylvania until 9am. But she’s on her way if we still need service.”

…now we’re waiting for her to arrive. I’m hoping it’s the same lady who came on June 17th so I can tell her she was never here on that day…

Well thankfully it was the same lady, Ms. Missy. She’s very competant and doing everything she can to provide support to us. I told her we were told that she never came on the 17th and she immediately grabbed her stack of work orders and found the ticket. She gave it to me so I could make a copy. I told her no report was filed and as far as 1800Comcast was concerned we were no longer having a problem. She looked at the ticket and said it cleary says the matter was refered to her boss Mike.

She did the same thing she did last time and checked our connections. We showed her the difference in signal between going directly to the TV and going through the box. She’s having the office send us out a new analog box to see if that helps the reception.

In the meantime she has suggested writing a letter to the area VP, Ms. Chris Whitaker. Unfortunately finding an email for her is near to impossible. And forget trying to find a phone number for the building. Even Comcast doesn’t seem to know that. All you can find is sales and service. So evidently you’re not allowed to file a complaint. Heaven for bid someone would have a complaint.

So the saga continues. 

I HATE Comcast! Part 2

It’s amazing how incompetent these people are. Monday when we were supposed to have a tech come to the house and fix our cable they never showed up. I called Customer Service and was told the tech arrived and no one answered the door. That the tech identified the color of the door to verify he had been to the house.

Now, this is interesting. Seeing as we have 2 Dalmatians that go totally ballistic when someone pulls down our gravel driveway, it’s amazing this guy managed to get to the door AND knock on it for us never to hear it and not set off the dogs. I was so angry at the woman on the phone I hung up on her.

After about 15 minutes of calming down I called back and asked to talk to a supervisor. After 10 minutes on hold I finally got a woman who said the tech said he called the house and the phone number wasn’t our house. Uh..ok..wait..I thought the last story was he came to the door, identified the color of the door and we didn’t answer the door. Now the story is that he called and couldn’t get us on the phone?

After arguing with this bitch for 15 minutes, Comcast refused to send out a tech and rescheduled for Tuesday morning between 6 and 9am. Guess what…they never showed. Surprise surprise. Now the question is…do we call Customer Service AGAIN? Or just find a way to put up a dish over the trees in our front yard?

Since it’s obvious Comcast doesn’t want our business, we’ll find out what Home Depot has to put a dish on our roof and over the trees. I’ll build a damn telephone pole on the house if I have to.


I HATE Comcast!

Sent to Rick Germano – SVP Customer Operations, Comcast
and Investor Relations.

July 5th 2007

Dear Mr. Germano,

I cannot tell you how angry I am this morning at Comcast. There are no words to describe my complete and total dissatisfaction in not only your customer service, but the lack of customer support I have received from your company in the past several years and especially in the past month.

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An Open Letter To Anderson Cooper

On July 7, 2008 – Anderson Cooper’s 360 ran a story about the mistreatment of a U.S. soldier by the military because he’s an atheist. This is not unusual as the U.S. military is known for unfair practices against any soldier who does not follow the Christian faith. Rev. Spring wrote the following letter to Mr. Cooper in response to this story.

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This entry was posted on July 7, 2008, in Politics.