How Same-Sex Marriage Is Impacting Religious Freedom

The Fight For Recognition –

In the battle for Gay and Lesbian rights, conservative groups have opened a can of worms for the fight of religious freedom in America. Only I don’t think they know they’ve done that. Gay and Lesbian couples are fighting for the same legal privileges afforded opposite-sex unions to ensure hospital visitation or inheritance or other traditional union privileges.

The opposition has centered the fight around preserving the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. Conservatives have taken a position that allowing same sex marriage threatens traditional marriage, and will somehow limit their rights. Only there is absolutely no evidence to support this claim. But in this claim, these ultra conservatives bring up Biblical doctrine, opening the door for arguments of religious freedom.

There are many religious organizations who do honor and acknowledge the love and commitment between same sex couples. Clergy within these organizations will gladly perform their religious rights of marriage for these unions just as they would for opposite sex couples. Once the religious ceremony has ended, both the Clergy and the newly married couple are then told, that their spiritual and religious freedoms are not legally recognized by the state they are located in. The government agency, nor the conservative opposition take these religious freedoms into consideration. Or perhaps they do and it only adds fuel to their fire to burn away the rights of others who do not believe and practice as they do.

This is something that hits close to home with me. My first Handfasting ceremony was performed for a lesbian couple who are dear friends of mine. However, even though I am licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia to perform legal marriage ceremonies, this one could not be legally recognized. The lack of legal recognition does not make the rite any less blessed or valid in the eyes of our pagan community. But it does impact our rights of religious freedom and that in turn complicates the argument of same sex marriage specifically.

Had I performed this rite with an opposite sex couple, I could have submitted the necessary paperwork to the county and the couple would have received a legal marriage license. But this isn’t a case of who’s paperwork is accepted. Proponents would say our legal rights are recognized because the opposite sex couple would receive the legal document binding their union. But providing legal rights to only half of a persons spiritual practice is still a limitation on that persons right to Freedom of Religion. My religion and specifically my tradition/denomination recognizes the union of same sex couples to marry. This is a spiritual belief and a religious rite that deserves the same recognition as it’s opposite sex rite does.

The U.S. Constitution states:
Amendment 1 – Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The pesky part of this amendment lies in “the free exercise thereof”. By their very efforts to stand on a position of morality, they have effectively turned this argument from a social practice to a religious one. By setting laws that refuse to recognize a practice of belief and religious rite of marriage between same sex couples, many state governments are breaking the U.S. Constitution and prohibiting the 1st Amendment rights of religious peoples to exercise those beliefs they hold dear.

The government is saying you can legally practice this part of your beliefs, but this part…well we’re not going to recognize that exercise within your faith. Sorry, but no that’s not legal. The Constitution does not afford the government the right to pick and choose which religious practices it will acknowledge and which it won’t. By not allowing this practice which is similar to the practice of opposite sex marriage, they are prohibiting the free exercise of pagan religions and their practices. The argument becomes bigger than just same sex vs. opposite sex.

So what are the solutions? Either remove marriage from the governance of all states, or grant all people the legal rights to marry. Establish a “one size fits all” civil union, and let each religious organization sort out their own practices and morals.

Until this issue is put to rest, Pagan clergy will continue performing rites for all practioners in their community. We will continue the fight for the same legal rights afforded to other religions in the U.S. No longer will we be satisfied with a piece meal approach to validating or recognizing our rights to practice our beliefs, while others enjoy the full benefits of their religious beliefs and practices.

Opponents of same-sex marriage are on the loosing end of this battle, not only because their approach is based on bigotry and intolerance, but also because their grip on the morality of the nation is quickly slipping through their tightening fingers. Their attempts to enforce their will on a nation that fights around the world for freedom, has already begun to turn on their plans and efforts. They can try to scare people with their hate and rhetoric, they can shout at the top of their lungs at the changing times and attempt to instill their dominance over the land. One thing pagans realize and accept is that all things change, you cannot stop it and it’s often a bad idea to fight it.

One day this battle will be won and the social conservatives who are trying so hard to maintain control of the morality of others will find themselves left behind, both in society and within their own spiritual enlightenment. While the rest of the religious and spiritual communities enjoy kindness, compassion and tolerance with each other and within their communities.

This entry was posted on May 5, 2009, in Politics.

Richmond – Crown Royal Russ Friedman 400 – May 2009

5:30am and we’re up after getting home at midnight and making it to bed at 1am.  Why the rise and shine at the crack of dawn? Well it’s race weekend, what else are you going to do? We made it the track by 7:30am. We were directed to our tailgating space, about 4 rows from the main gate of the track. A great spot! By 10am we had the grill fired up and breakfast was on the skillet.

It was touch and go through out the day in dealing with the weather. But we kept busy by shopping, keeping up on the Caps win over the Penguins and of course grilling bbq chicken. Finally by 5pm it was time to pack it up and head to our seats with fingers crossed that the rain would stop long enough to get the race in. Thank the rain Gods who covered the track with a giant umbrella and allowed the jet dryers clear the surface and keep it clear for the race. It pour down rain north and south of the track. But some how missed us, just long enough to get the 400 laps on the books.

And what a race it was! Watching Tony and Ryan constantly moving up into the top 10 after each pit stop was exciting. Along with everyone else in our section, we were thrilled watching Jimmy Johnson spin out in turn 2. The last 20 laps kept us on the edge of our seat as Tony moved up into 2nd and Ryan moved into 4th.  Not sure a few additional would have helped Tony catch up to the leader, but Jeff Burton sure was making a run at trying to take 2nd away from him. So I’m glad it finished the way it did.

I’m so proud of Stewart-Haas Racing. It’s great to see Tony and Ryan in the top 12 in points. For a long time we thought Ryan was a much better driver than what his stats were showing. He just needed a good crew, good engines and a chance to put his talent on the track. It also says a lot about Tony and his ability to turn a company around and make it competitive. Wow. The Munchkin and I couldn’t be happier with our boys.

Overhauling Tax Policies

President Barack Obama vowed on Monday to overhaul tax policies that he said reward companies for shifting U.S. jobs overseas and allow wealthy people to evade taxes using offshore accounts.

All day today I heard nothing but how bad of an idea this is. How bad it is for companies. It’s amazing to me that Washington still doesn’t get it. Americans are tired of carried the burden of the nation on our backs. Especially after the failure of Wall street to police itself and maintain their own bottom lines at a secure level. Americans are tired of bailing out companies and big corporations. So cry me a river over closing loop holes and enforcing tax laws that are already on the books. When everyone who lost their job, lost their home, and lost their retirement funds are financially secure again, I’ll care about big business. Until then the corporations and rich can shut up and pony up to the table that the rest of us have been holding up on our shoulders.

This entry was posted on May 4, 2009, in Politics.


In 2003 we were blessed with a son. A perfect gift for me, as he was born 4 days after my birthday.  Our little Prince, started school this year. This new adventure has been a great source of humor for us.

So here we will share some of his special quotes that simply make the grown ups smile, laugh or say awe!

We’ll start with a recent remark.

The Prince:  “Mom, what day is it?”
Mom:  “It’s Thursday.”
The Prince: “Is it the thirty-est one day?”

© 2009 Evil Wordsmith. All Rights Reserved.

Time For One Train

A Cold Picnic Lunch

Sometimes when we’re on errands we don’t have a lot of time to sit, relax and wait for the trains to roll by. But we at least take some time to please the little Prince and take time for 1 train.


Amtrak 163


© This material is the intellectual property of Author Springwolf
© 2006-2012 All Rights Reserved, Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D.

North & South Bound

It’s Always A Good Day For Trains

Even on cold and rainy November days it’s a good day to watch the trains. Even if you’re doing it from inside your car. It only takes a moment to pop outside and grab a picture of the passing Amtrak train.


Amtrak 123

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Circuit City Bankruptcy

Today CNN reported that Circuit City is filing for Bankruptcy. Their reasons are increased competition from Wal-Mart and Best Buy, along with the credit crunch and financial market woes. As a former IT Auditor at Circuit City, let me say B.S.!

Circuit City is an extremely poor run company that wastes it budgets and refuses to listen to those who point out the obvious. In IT alone, you can’t expect to cut costs by laying off your most senior and knowledgeable employees, while you’re wasting money on unnecessary 3rd party maintenance agreements, over blown consulting contracts and refusing to correct security issues that put your customer’s data at risk.

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This entry was posted on November 10, 2008, in Politics.

A Journal Of History In The Making

Tonight we witnessed History in the making. I never thought I’d see the first black president of the U.S. in my life time. I thought I’d see a woman perhaps. But even then, I expected that not to occur until 2020 or beyond. This evening I keep thinking about my son and what he will see in his life time. What will he think about this day when he looks back in history. It is for him that I write this entry to our blog. So he has some understanding of what his Mom and Dad thought about on this night. 

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This entry was posted on November 10, 2008, in Politics.

Tropicana Passes By

My Favorite Freight Train

It’s been a while since we’ve seen my favorite train pass through town. But we were in the right place at the right time on this warm October day to see the Tropicana pass by!

CSX - Tropacana!

CSX – Tropacana!

© This material is the intellectual property of Author Springwolf
  © 2008-2013 All Rights Reserved. Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D.

What Would An Intelligent Woman Say? – Part II

This week (Thursday September 25, 2008), CBS News anchor Katie Couric met with Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin at the United Nations for Part II of her interview. Much of the discussion focused on foreign policy, which some say could be Palin’s weakness.


Once again, I could answer these questions better than Palin.  What follows is Part II of an exclusive interview with Gov. Palin and my responses to Katie’s questions just to prove the point that I could answer these more intelligently than a person who stands second in line to the Oval Office.

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This entry was posted on September 28, 2008, in Politics.