Week 1 – 2010 NFL Picks – Spring & The Prince’s Results

 Well not a bad start to the 1st week. My picks finished 10wins to 6 losses. Not great, but better than some of the professional prognosticators in TV. The best game in my book was of course my Redskins vs. Dallas. Those last 3 seconds were definitely a nail-bitter. But woohoo the Cowboys self-destructed! Hahaha!!!

The little Prince didn’t fair as well. His method of picking is base on the name of the team. If it’s a bird, ie: Cardinals, Eagles, Ravens, Falcons; he picks them to win. He likes animals over objects for the most part. Not sure it’s the best method, but it works for him and that’s all that matters. He’s excited that he won 6 picks last week and didn’t even seem to listen that between us, I won the week. He asked; but it just didn’t matter because his Eagles won.  Not sure how he’s going to feel when his Eagles play my Skins.

So here are our 1st week results:

Week 1
THU, SEP 9 Spring’s Picks Spring’s Results The Prince’s Picks The Prince’s Results Game Results
New Orleans at Minnesota New Orleans W Minnesota L 14 – 9
SUN, SEP 12 .
Carolina at NY Giants NY Giants W Carolina L 18 – 31
Atlanta at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh W Atlanta L 9 – 15
Cleveland at Tampa Bay Tampa Bay W Cleveland L 14 – 17
Denver at Jacksonville Denver L Denver L 17 – 24
Indianapolis at Houston Indianapolis L Indianapolis L 24 – 34
Miami at Buffalo Buffalo L Miami W 15 – 10
Detroit at Chicago Chicago W Chicago W 14 – 19
Oakland at Tennessee Oakland L Oakland L 13 – 38
Cincinnati at New England New England W New England L 24 – 38
Arizona at St. Louis Arizona W Arizona W 17 – 13
San Francisco at Seattle San Francisco L Seattle W 6 – 31
Green Bay at Philadelphia Philadelphia L Philadelphia L 27 – 20
Dallas at Washington Washington W Dallas L 7 – 13
MON, SEP 13  
Baltimore at NY Jets Baltimore W Baltimore W 10 – 9
San Diego at Kansas City Kansas City W Kansas City W 14 – 21

Results: W = 10 / L = 6   of 16

Season: W = 10 / L = 6  of 16

W – 6 / L – 10
This entry was posted on September 18, 2010, in Sports - NFL.

Personality Quizzes

I often wonder when I see the results of these things on Facebook, if there is an option, and if there is, would it report it or not for people like me. Like the latest one “What kind of dog are you?” would I get:

Evil got Mangy, Flea Bitten, Nearly Rabid, Junkyard Dog.

You are the dog that can found inside double fences to keep people out. In fact you tend to keep them fairly back from the outer fence and the inner fence is for the poor bastard that has to feed you and even he doesn’t want to get that close. You love it when rats get inside the fence and you can eat them. Not because you can’t catch that occasional rabbit or cause there’s not enough dog food, you just like how the rat tastes. In short, you are a complete asshole.

Or “What kind of Mom are you?”:

Evil got Crack Whore.

You are the Mom who, if you got lucid for an hour or so, would sell your children to the highest bidder. You already sold the john who knocked you up. You’re sure that the migrant farmers who bought him are putting him to good use. The reason you’re not in prison is not that you’re street smart, but basically no cops really want to touch you.

Or “What kind of dessert are you?”:

Evil got Spotted Dick.

You might not be sweet or even appetizing but the “dick” part is spot on.

Or “How attractive are you?”:

Evil is -5% Attractive.

You are the kind of guy who can get in the inner fence with the junkyard dog and he’ll stay on the farthest corner because he’s afraid that whatever you have is worse than rabies. You probably like to buy the johns who don’t pay from the local pimp and resell them to migrant farm workers. The last time you got pulled over you told the cop to get back in his car and he did.

Or “Which Disney princess are you?”:

Evil got Snow-White’s Evil Stepmother Queen.

Evil Queen: “Mirror mirror upon the wall, tell me am I fairest of them all?”

Mirror: “Seriously?”

You live a life of leisure thanks to the contract with Lloyds of London that pays you to stay away from mirrored windows on the high rises downtown.

Or “What type of Kissing are you?”:

Evil got Manga Horror Kiss.

You are the poster child for banning manga from the Internet. Sadly for the rest of us, there seems to be no good way to ban actual people. We can only hope that you don’t end up in our cache.


All right Mr. De Mille, I’m ready for my quiz. Are you?


2010 Nascar Chase Is On!

 The 2010 Nascar Chase has begun after last night’s Air Guard 400 at Richmond International Raceway. The race itself was less than exciting, in general. But the last 10 laps did get interesting as our native Richmonder Denny Hamlin took the checkered flag over team mate Kyle Busch. Coach Joe Gibbs had a great night in that his entries finished 1st, 2nd and 4th as Joey Logano came in just behind Jimmie Johnson.

Our boys didn’t fare real well however. Tony Stewart had improved his position to the top 5, but began dropping back like a rock after the 1st caution adjustment. Seems the team just couldn’t get those changes corrected and he finished the race in 16th.

Ryan Newman’s chance to get into the chase were dashed as Bowyer had a great race and finished in the top 10. But it was great seeing Ryan fight for all they had and finish the overall race in 11th.

And what happened to Dale Jr? He qualified well, starting in the top 10. But that was all he wrote. He dropped back during the entire race like a rock and finished 34th. All in all it was dismal year for Jr. But Sir Evil remain a true fan.

So our boys end the season like this:

Regular Season Stats
Driver Wins Top 5s Top 10s 11-20 21-30 31->
Tony 1 7 6 4 7 1
Dale Jr   2 4 10 6 3
Ryan 1 2 7 10 3 4
Joey   3 6 6 5 4

The Chase for the Cup begins Sept. 19th in New Hampshire. The points have been reset and the standings going into the race are:

1 Denny Hamlin 5060 6 10 11 2 $4,292,228
2 Jimmie Johnson 5050 -10 5 10 14 4 $5,338,436
3 Kevin Harvick 5030 -30 3 11 17 1 $5,164,351
4 Kyle Busch 5030 -30 3 8 14 1 $4,861,478
5 Kurt Busch 5020 -40 2 8 15 2 $5,464,010
6 Tony Stewart 5010 -50 1 7 14 1 $4,269,900
7 Greg Biffle 5010 -50 1 5 14 2 $3,734,487
8 Jeff Gordon 5000 -60 0 10 13 2 $4,379,398
9 Carl Edwards 5000 -60 0 6 14 2 $4,096,479
10 Jeff Burton 5000 -60 0 5 13 0 $3,943,397
11 Matt Kenseth 5000 -60 0 5 10 0 $4,091,273
12 Clint Bowyer 5000 -60 0 4 14 2 $3,402,729

At last years Chase race in Richmond, the Little Prince decided he liked Carl Edwards. Perhaps because he was able to sit in Carl’s Nationwide Scotts car, which might have been a good luck charm for Carl. He won the Nationwide race that night. Or because the Prince really likes “The Duck” from Aflac. What ever his reasons, we’ll be following Carl from now on as his #2 guy.

So here’s hoping Tony and Carl smoke ’em all in the Chase! Good Luck Guys! And if not one of our guys, ANYONE BUT JIMMIE!!!!!!

Week 1 – 2010 NFL Picks – Spring & The Prince’s Picks

It’s football season at last! The hard part for us is that it’s also the end of the season for Nascar. And not just the last 10 races, but the Race for the Chase! And 2 of our guys are in the hunt for the title. But the little Prince (who’s 7 now) and I are looking forward to pitting our picks against Daddy (Sir Evil) again this year. We did pretty well over all last year. I hope we can do better this year. Of course the first 2 weeks are the hardest for me to pick. You can’t totally base your picks on last year’s team, or pre-season performance. So here are our picks for the first week.

THU, SEP 9 Spring’s Picks The Prince’s Picks
New Orleans at Minnesota New Orleans Minnesota
Carolina at NY Giants NY Giants Carolina
Atlanta at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Atlanta
Cleveland at Tampa Bay Tampa Bay Cleveland
Denver at Jacksonville Denver Denver
Indianapolis at Houston Indianapolis Indianapolis
Miami at Buffalo Buffalo Miami
Detroit at Chicago Chicago Chicago
Oakland at Tennessee Oakland Oakland
Cincinnati at New England New England New England
Arizona at St. Louis Arizona Arizona
San Francisco at Seattle San Francisco Seattle
Green Bay at Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadelphia
Dallas at Washington Washington Dallas
Baltimore at NY Jets Baltimore Baltimore
San Diego at Kansas City Kansas City Kansas City
This entry was posted on September 11, 2010, in Sports - NFL.

The Garbage Train

What’s That Smell?

Summer is the worst time to be around garbage. Even if it’s in a train. When the garbage train is heading south, it’s typically taking garbage from up north to some dump down south and that’s the worst time to be train watching. When it’s heading north, it still stinks. But not nearly as bad!




© This material is the intellectual property of Author Springwolf
© 2006-2013 Evilwordsmith.com. All Rights Reserved, Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D.


The Dream Car

Ask most people what they want in a dream car and you’ll hear something like Ferrari or Lamborghini or Rolls Royce.  Some kids may mention monster trucks.  Here’s what I want.  I want this:

Big Gun

Mounted something like this:

Rat Patrol Jeep

With a joystick mounted close so I can aim and fire it.  No more traffic jams for me…  And for my redneck buddies out there who think this gun might not be big enough, take a look at the page where I found it: http://www.orsm.net/text/a10-thunderbolt.php.  Scroll to the bottom for an idea of how big it is.


Oh and I think I need eye and ear protection.

The AC360 1940’s Doll Test Revisited

Earlier this year, AC360°, with the help of a seasoned team of researchers, conducted a pilot study based on the 1940’s doll test. In this pilot study, more than 130 kids were asked a series of questions about five cartoon dolls with varying skin tones. Half of the children were African-American and half were white, half were in the north and half in the south. [More @ AC360]

I was concerned when I asked my 7 year old son the same question and gave the same answer as the children in the AC360 test. The darkest child is the bad child. This perception isn’t something he gets from us at home. So where did he get it from? When I asked him why, he first said he didn’t know. It wasn’t until he looked at the picture and associated the “color” with a “person” that he said “Because he’s African-American”. It was that delay in his searching for a reason that caused me to realize it’s the test that implies racism and not anything he’s gotten from home, school or even the media. It was the test itself.


The method of these tests are flawed for a number of reasons. Continue reading

What I Think About Flash


I could live with Flash if people just used it for video. I still don’t like it, cause most of the time I’m connected to the Internet via a phone line. That means it’s impossible to watch a Flash video even if I want to, because you can ONLY stream it. And via a phone line you ain’t streaming anything. Sure, I suppose there are tools out there for ripping the stream, but so far there hasn’t been any video online that I want to see that bad. You are NOT the Martin Scorsese of the Internet.

However, that’s not all that Flash does. For some reason out there, particularly larger companies with too much money to spend for web “designers”, Flash is used for things like download links. Several years ago I sold a customer a valve. It’s a complicated bugger and now that customer wants me to do some maintenance on it. So I went to the manufacturer’s website to download the manual for that.

I did a search using their site’s search page (always amazed when that actually works…) and found the files I wanted, in pdf form, as I expected. Then I click the little “download” link. Nothing. No shocker there, I don’t like javascript either.

Here’s a clue for you web “designers” out there. I don’t want to run your software for you. Your stuff is running on a huge machine, mine’s a little machine. Plus, there are just too many guys out there with nothing but time on their hands working to run things on my machine so they can get things like my bank account numbers, access to my email and other generally bad things. Those people like it when the average guy lets anyone run stuff on their computer, like ActiveX. For me, I don’t need cutesy animations, I like text. Pictures when I need them. And I’ll take my video on the TV. That goes for cookies too. If you are just dying to track me, use your own hard drives like Google.

Ok so the link is javascript. Great, fine, I turned it on for you. Now when I click the “download” link I am greeted with a black page with a little text on it in the corner “Get Flash player.” Well, I suppose I got my text anyway. Now I’m irritated. I look at the source of the page, which I noticed was a redirect from the page I actually wanted. Yeah I saw that page pop up just before the black page. The source of the page was about three lines.

Now I can feel that my blood pressure meds weren’t prepared for this afternoon. So I do some deep searching with Google, since I can see the filenames of the actual files I want, none of which are flash.exe. So I got what I needed, without calling the phone number listed on the site under “Having trouble with downloading?” I’m pretty sure a chat with Bob (pronounced Boob) somewhere in India or Pakistan wouldn’t be at all good for my personal health right now.

So what have we learned? I hate Flash. Ok maybe you learned it, I already knew that. What I learned is that the next time I sell a preaction valve to someone it will be made by Tyco. Their website just works. In fact I may just allow their cookies next time I visit.

E. W.

I know none of this matters. I don’t have any illusions that I’m the William Shakespeare of the Internet.

Real Foreign Policy

As I sit here a long way from home and the communication equipment between me and my family fails, threatening to take my sanity with it, I’ve been getting a small taste of what it is like for our military.  I’m not anywhere like Afghanistan and no one is shooting at me (though there are probably some who want to hit me) and I can still talk to my wife and kid most any time of the day.  But I wonder how those other families manage.  If you know one of them and you can, take some time to help them.  It is harder than most can imagine.  It’s still harder than I can imagine.

This entry was posted on August 2, 2010, in Politics.

How the Draft Affects Foreign Policy or Operation Gladiator

You are President Jones.  You are in the Oval Office.  You are there because the door is locked and the windows are pretty tough.  So you are doing what presidents do, talking on the phone.  If you don’t believe me, check out any photo op pictures of any president.  They are always on the phone.

“AWESOME!  You da man, Berli!…  Yeah, your debt is paid in full dude…  Yeah, see you tonight man!”

You press a button to get the line to the Shrew, and she answers, “Yes Sir?”

“Tell Captain Tailhook to get the Mile High Club ready, Operation Road Trip is a go.  Then get me the Drinking Buddies and tell them we are wheels up for Operation Gladiator in two hours.  Remind them not to forget the Friendly Scotsman, Andrew Jackson and the Redneck.”  You’re really getting the hang of the code word.

For you non-presidents, I’ll translate.  What you just said was tell the commander of Air Force One to get the plane ready to go to Rome.  And tell the Joint Chiefs that Operation Gladiator is about to commence so don’t forget the Scotch, Jack Daniels and the beer.  We’ll get to Operation Gladiator in a minute. Continue reading