NFL 2011 Week 1

Here’s my predictions for Week 1. There are no good bets. The economy is too bad for rabid fans to be moving the lines in Vegas.

My Predictions
Away Home Away Home Favorite Line O/U
New Orleans Green Bay 23 25 Green Bay 2 47
Atlanta Chicago 22 21 Atlanta 0 43
Indianapolis Houston 24 23 Indianapolis 1 47
Buffalo Kansas City 22 24 Kansas City 1 46
Tennessee Jacksonville 21 21 Jacksonville 0 42
Cincinnati Cleveland 18 19 Cleveland 1 38
Philadelphia St. Louis 24 18 Philadelphia 6 42
Pittsburgh Baltimore 17 21 Baltimore 4 38
Detroit Tampa Bay 21 23 Tampa Bay 2 45
Minnesota San Diego 20 24 San Diego 4 44
NY Giants Washington 22 19 NY Giants 3 42
Carolina Arizona 22 25 Arizona 3 47
Seattle San Francisco 16 27 San Francisco 10 43
Dallas NY Jets 16 22 NY Jets 6 38
New England Miami 25 20 New England 5 46
Oakland Denver 22 22 Denver 0 44
Vegas Line            
    Favorite Line O/U Bet O/U
New Orleans Green Bay Green Bay 5.0 47.5 New Orleans Under
Atlanta Chicago Atlanta 2.5 40.0 Chicago Over
Indianapolis Houston Houston 8.5 43.0 Indianapolis Over
Buffalo Kansas City Kansas City 6.0 40.0 Buffalo Over
Tennessee Jacksonville Jacksonville 2.0 37.0 Tennessee Over
Cincinnati Cleveland Cleveland 6.5 35.5 Cincinnati Over
Philadelphia St. Louis Philadelphia 4.5 44.0 Philadelphia Under
Pittsburgh Baltimore Baltimore 1.5 36.0 Baltimore Over
Detroit Tampa Bay Tampa Bay 1.5 41.0 Tampa Bay Over
Minnesota San Diego San Diego 8.5 41.5 Minnesota Over
NY Giants Washington NY Giants 3.0 37.5 NY Giants Over
Carolina Arizona Arizona 7.0 37.0 Carolina Over
Seattle San Francisco San Francisco 5.5 37.5 San Francisco Over
Dallas NY Jets NY Jets 5.0 40.5 NY Jets Under
New England Miami New England 7.0 45.5 Miami Over
Oakland Denver Denver 3.0 46.0 Oakland Under


Almost didn’t get the over bet on Pittsburgh. Nice of them to score once…

This entry was posted on September 11, 2011, in Sports - NFL.

The Best Nascar Invocation – Ever!

July 23, 2011
Nascar Nationwide Series Race In Nashville Tennessee

One, if not the best portion of Saturday’s Nationwide Race in Nashville, came from Pastor Joe Nelms who proves an invocation doesn’t have to be stoic to be effective. Right away fans began tweeting, blogging and posting on social media networks how great the pre-race prayer was. Labeling it the Best Invocation Ever! Within minutes the video was posted on YouTube and sports blogs.‘s Brian Floyd likened the invocation to a scene from Talladega Nights. What some may not know is this isn’t the first time we’ve seen Pastor Joe deliver a pre-race invocation and make it a memorable one. We remember last years invocation which was equally jovial, though perhaps not as memorable as the one delivered tonight!

images6.jpgTranscript of:
Pastor Joe Nelms
Of Family Baptist Church in Lebannon Tn.

Heavenly Father we thank you tonight for all your blessings you said in all things give thanks.
So we want to thank you for these mighty machines that you’ve brought before us.
Thank you for the Dodges and the Toyotas.
Thank you for the Fords and most of all we thank you for Roush and Hendrick to give us the power that we see before us tonight.
Thank you for GM Performance Technology and ro7 engines,
Thank you for Sunoco racing fuel, and Goodyear tires and great performance and power to the track.
Lord I want to thank you for my smokin’ hot wife tonight Lisa my two children Ely and Emma. Or as we like to call ’em the little ‘Es’
Lord I pray bless the drivers and crews tonight. May they put on a performance worthy of this track.
Boggity Boggity Boggity

© 2012 Evil Wordsmith. All Rights Reserved.

Waving At Trains

Train Poems

Trains have been a fascinating fixture in every culture of the world. They draw people to them to watch them pass by and even to wave at their engineers and passengers. There so many different things that draw us to the roaring sounds of a train. Roger McGough tried to put some of his reasons into poem.


Amtrak 54

Continue reading

More Adventures in Stupid

A couple evenings back, we all went out and sat on the porch. Rascal, our Dalmatian puppy was playing on her lead with the Prince down in the yard. Suddenly the Prince is very excited because he’s discovered a frog. A Fowler’s toad to be exact. If you’re living in the south and you’re male, this is the frog you’ve played with a thousand times.

Well, when the Prince discovered it, so did the mutt. And she did what she’s done with voles, mice, birds and even bats. She ran over and bit it. Now I didn’t know this, but it turns out that those toads are poisonous. It was pretty obvious from the reaction of the dog. She spent a minute or so looking like she was trying to spit out her own tongue.


So we ran out there, got her in the house and the Queen washed her mouth out. Then we did some research. Now I’ve seen a smaller dog bite a poison arrow frog in Florida and live. Of course about six hours of that living wasn’t all that pleasant. but he did live. So I wasn’t too worried about a frog I didn’t even realize had poison. Bottom line, as long as she didn’t eat a couple of them whole, she was in no danger.

Now the really bad part is that it was close to the Prince’s birthday and one of the things he got were little glow stick swords. So right after the dog’s first ever psychedelic trip began, we turned off the lights and started waving around glowing colored sticks. After she got done watching the glowing colors, we turned the lights on and she spent some quality time staring at a white wall. I guess that’s the equivalent of standing still on firm ground after riding one of those whirly rides as the fair.


We’re starting a pool on how many more of them she has to bite before she figures out not to bite them. I’ve got three…

© 2012 Evil Wordsmith. All Rights Reserved.

The Birthday Train

An After Dinner Treat

When your birthday falls on a week day, it’s nice to go out to dinner on the weekend. And our after dinner treat is always a walk around Randolf-Macon College and train watching.


CSX 5445


© This material is the intellectual property of Author Springwolf
© 2006-2013 All Rights Reserved, Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D.

The Birthers New Conspiracy — Give it a rest already didn’t take long for a conspiracy theory to emerge about Pres. Obama’s long form birth certificate. I received a spam email today that proclaimed the birth certificate is a forgery and all you have to do is open the document in Adobe Illustrator and look at the layers to see it’s a fraud. Stating further that no pdf document would do this.  — Of course that’s not true, many pdf image documents do that. I can do it with a pdf scan I have of an imaged document.

It’s just amazing to me how far bigots will go attack people. So many people keep calling the long form the official document and that just irks me to no end as well. It’s not the official document and hasn’t been for several years. Hawaii produces a digital version of birth certificates and those, and only those are the official legal documents of the state. Give it a rest already Birthers. You’ve lost your argument and your continual conspiracy rants do nothing but show you as the bigots you are. You 5 minutes are up. Get off the stage now.

This entry was posted on April 29, 2011, in Politics.

How the Draft Takes Politics Out of the Equation or Your Skeleton’s Coming Out Party

You are President Jones, and thanks to your innate problem solving skills your buddies at Nielsen tell you your popularity is just north of Number One. Number One of course is the code word you issued for George Washington just to annoy the Creeps, which is the code word for the NSA. Yep you’ve tackled world peace, solved the border problem, boosted taxes (well briefly anyway) and gone a long way toward cleaning up the oil spill in the gulf.

Now I know you Republicans out there are wondering, how exactly does letting the Mexicans come on in count as solving that problem. Now that’s easy, three days after you opened the gate, Santa Anna (code word for President Calderon) sent the Federales (whose real name is so cool they don’t really need a code word) to the border and shut it. And by shut it I mean they built a second fence… er well… lets just say the code word is The Great Wall Of Mexico. And it didn’t cost the Plebs (code word for you, dear reader) a dime.

In light of the massive hard work that you’ve done (and if you don’t think it’s hard work, see how you feel when your hangover begins at the sound of shaped charge taking your jail cell door out…) you’ve decided to take a light day. And so, you are presently sitting quietly, pleasantly taking tea with The Wicked Witch of the West. We’ll get to that code word shortly. Continue reading

How the Draft Solves the Big Problems or Remember the Azamo.

Drafting POTUSDrafting POTUS

You are President Jones. It’s been six weeks since Agent Smith showed up at your door to inform you that you have been drafted. So basically, basic training is over now. And you realize that being in the military isn’t so bad. You can still go pretty much anywhere you used to go as long as you take Agent Smith and his clone army with you. Better, you can go places you couldn’t go, like Rome for Operation Gladiator. And, the Men in Black (code word for the Secret Service) come in handy in a bar fight. Even after the local police show up.

You are still part of the military however and that comes with all the drawbacks you can imagine. People, usually pissed off people, constantly want to come talk to you. Particularly the Vampires (code word for the Treasury Department) and the Werewolves (code word for Congress). Then there are the people who want to send you large volumes of boring paper to read, despite the fact that you have warned them about such things. And the worst part are the press conferences, one of which is scheduled for you in a couple of hours.

Ordinarily you blow these off. It’s always full of reporters who want to hear you make a speech about nothing and then ask a bunch of questions about less than nothing. However, since Vampire Bill (code name for the Secretary of the Treasury) wants to have an unpleasant chat with you about the Ferrari donated to some sheriff’s department, the very department that was neutralized by the Men in Black, you’ve chosen the lesser of two evils. Continue reading

Internet Things that Piss Me Off

Somewhere back in July I made some kind of minor misconfiguration as I hurriedly built the business machine for my company. The massive update (Kids, NEVER let your Gentoo box go 3 weeks without an update!) from two weeks ago demanded payment for my arrogance in ignoring that little misconfiguration. That box is now hosed until I have time to Do It Right ™. So now I’m on the back up machine that I built correctly.

I’m buried alive in work right now, don’t really have time to post this, but I’m pissed off. Yesterday on-board sound failure (really worried the motherboard was toast) on the back up machine had me looking at lots of sites online before I confirmed it was a hardware failure. I found the most irritating website I’ve seen in a long time. I’m not going to link it cause it’s got too much page rank already. But it is a Linux Forum ORGanization, if you get my meaning…

On there, they block part of each page with an ad. To get rid of it so you can read the forum post you would have to create an account and log in. I am loathe to create accounts online, I got millions of them that I almost never use and it’s a password headache as it is. This is not a social networking site, it’s a forum for people looking for solutions and hopefully people with informative answers. I’m looking for solutions to problems other people have already posted about and obviously I don’t have an answer. So I don’t have or want an account. And, since it’s me looking at it, if I really want to read the post I’ll view it in Lynx…


Speaking of people with informative answers, there are some people out there, probably the ones who think these kind of places are for social networking, who post helpful answers like “Well, did you run alsaconf?” in reply to people who posted the error message they got from running alsaconf. These people also piss me off.


Adventures in Stupid

I get the call last night from the field to bring the Thing We Don’t Have On The Truck ™. Of course the call came just as I pulled up in the driveway coming back from the shop. So, I head out to the shop to get the Thing We Don’t Have On The Truck ™. Just as I get there, it starts to rain little balls of ice. By the time I get to the jobsite with the Thing We Don’t Have On The Truck ™ it is pouring rain, snow and ice.

I find the crew, and having made do without the Thing We Don’t Have On The Truck ™, finished with the project. Our main crew guy asks me, “Do you still wanna scrap the stuff we removed?”

Amazed by this question, which translates in my head to “Do you want some free money?” I say “Yes of course we scrap it.”

He says, “Then we need to put it on your truck, there’s no where to put it on mine. Besides you are going near the scrap yard on the way out in the morning.” And he tells me where the scrap yard is.

I find this whole conversation suspicious but can’t quite put my finger on why. So we put the 380 pound chunk of steel onto the back of my truck and I go to the house.

This morning I get up. It’s no longer snowing or icing. Just rain. Lots of rain. Knowing that I’m about to singlehandedly roll a 380 pound chunk of steel off the end of my truck, I want my boots and gloves. Unfortunately, said 380 pound chunk of steel is rolled up tight against my truck tool box, where my boots and gloves are.

I head off to the scrap yard. As I head toward the scales, I notice the big mud field down the other road and am glad the scales are the other way. I get on the scales and the guy comes out and informs me that I need to now drive back around and go down into the big mud field and toss the 380 pound chunk of steel at the pile beside the railroad track.

I plan my route carefully since I really don’t want my two wheel drive truck stuck in the mud. I aim for the high ground and thankfully I have traction. I stop my truck and try to step out on said high ground. My foot, along with my white tennis shoe disappears into the mud, about to my ankle. So… in for a penny they say… I get the rest of the way out of my truck and make my way to the tail gate, hoping my shoes come back up with my feet at each step.

I climb up into the bed of my truck and begin to chuck the smaller pieces of steel into the mud. The first two disappear completely. The next two seemed to be on top of something down in the mud. I notice that this causes a little spring to well up near the front of my truck. Reminds me of the opening credits of Beverly Hillbillies, only I ain’t gonna be getting rich today. Finally I amaze myself by being able to roll said 380 pound chunk of steel off my truck.

Now for my escape. I figure once I get started there will be no stopping in this mud. So I was going pretty fast when the back bumper of my truck hits the concrete barrier block on the side of the mud field. On the plus side, I can get to my boots now cause nothing in my truck is near the front of the bed.

My big fear is not the scrap I have made of the tail of my truck now. No my fear now is that I am stopped in the mud field. There may be no escape. I put the truck in gear and amazingly I can move forward. I can also see the concrete block now… I take a chance and stop since I don’t think I can get out by moving ahead. In reverse I spin the wheels. Only one way to go… forward. I hope there is a hole.

Turns out, there is a hole. The hard road that isn’t muddy on the other side of the tracks. The road that the guy meant for me to go down in the first place. So I get back on the scales, get paid and get out of there.

Next stop: the car wash. I get out of my muddy truck and put my money in the machine and proceed to wash my tennis shoes, and then with the leftover time the truck.


As I write this I am in the laundromat washing my shoes. I just pulled them out of the dryer. One is completely dry. The other is soaked. I am pretty sure this is some kind of physical symmetry violation.