A Musing from Evilwordsmith

20070506-05.jpgDuring this past weekend’s Nascar race in Phoenix, Sir Evil said:

Breaking News: Dark Matter Has Been Found

I know where the dark matter is…

1. It’s invisible, you can’t observe it directly. It requires the skill of special personnel to tell you it’s there.
2. It’s apparently dangerous to motorists.
3. It stops time.
4. It only stops time after you get the sense that time must have stopped.
5. It has another name: “debris on the track.”

Women’s Health Issues or the Dark Age of Women’s Rights?

All the recent uproar over contraception for women only adds more fuel to a fire that has been slowly burning for decades between the powerful masculine elite in government and constant fight women have been facing for centuries. Politicians are great at pointing fingers toward the middle east and demanding they treat women with more respect, recognize their rights as human citizens of their country and protect them from abusive husbands or male family members. But then in the same breath, they turn around and try to force women here in the ‘land of the free’ into the same servitude and degradation they’re yelling at the middle east for.

All of this arguing and negative discourse is culminating on the shoulders of Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who was denied the opportunity to testify before congress.

What gets me about this whole thing is that it’s obvious some commentators didn’t listen to her comments. Because she’s talking about birth control for her friend, who was taking it not for ‘birth control’ but for Treatment of endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. Her friend couldn’t afford the medication (that is what this is, medication, prescribed by a doctor) to help this young woman avoid a disease that can cause the destruction of her ovaries. She couldn’t afford it, stopped taking it and within 6 to 10 months she was forced to undergo surgery to have her ovaries removed. She was faced with doing something simple to prevent disease or face a more serious illness. And because of politicians who say on one had the government has no business interfering with your freedoms then turn around and interfere with the most important freedom any human deserves to have, the right to live a healthy life.

There are many reasons someone would take birth control. Continue reading

This entry was posted on March 2, 2012, in Politics.

Springwolf Reflections



A blog of Spiritual Enlightenment and Thought

On February 1, 2012 Spring’s Haven rolled out an interactive blog for our founder Springwolf author of Pagan Metaphysics 101.

The blog allows Spring to share her thoughts on various matters of spiritual research, insights for daily practice, lessons for spiritual professionals and additional perceptions behind our Daily Tarot Meditation drawing and message. Along with book news, appearances and general happenings from today’s news.

You’ll also find a weekly Sunday Homily and several Life Lessons Series to enjoy and learn from.

Check out Springwolf Reflections or visit the article list @ Reflections A-Z!

This Is Your Brain On Stupid – #4

The Shirt Incident

Big news from the 3rd grade child who got straight A’s, Made the Principles list, Reads on a 12th grade level…..tied the arm sleeves of his shirt together, yes while he was still wearing it and couldn’t get them untied!

The WHOLE class knew what he had done…including the teacher. Who for some reason was upset with the antics. Can’t imagine why.

But thanks to Iverson (a fellow student), the boy child was freed and replaced his arms back in the sleeves where they belonged.

Alive and well, ready to tell Momma “I did something stupid today”.

© 2012 Evil Wordsmith. Evilwordsmith.com. All Rights Reserved.

2011 NFL Superbowl Bound!

And then there were two.

Some will say that New England has the advantage. They’ve been here before. They’ve won before. But I don’t think you can say experience is totally on their side. The Giants have been here before too. And they’ve won before. The Giants won the 2008 Super Bowl (Super Bowl XLII), 17-14 over the Patriots. So I don’t think the advantage is on the side of Tom Brady and the Patriots. And as it so happens, neither does our little prince. We’ve made our picks for Superbowl Sunday. Who are you pulling for? 

Super Bowl XLVI
Sun Feb 5th –
6:30pm NBC Spring’s Picks Prince’s Picks
NYG v NE NY Giants NY Giants

2011 NFL Conference – Results

Two great games, hard fought, passions erupting, but in the end there were only 2. I must admit that even though I picked NE to win, I was pulling for Baltimore. My heart seriously fell hard when Baltimore’s Billy Cundiff missed a 32-yard field-goal attempt with 11 seconds remaining. I feel so sorry for him. He will be the one blamed for losing the game, when in reality, it was the whole team who put themselves in that situation to begin with. So I made the right pick, but I’m almost sorry I won.

On the side of the country, I counted on the NY Giants to muscle and bully their way to a win. And sure enough that’s what they did. I don’t think San Francisco lost. They played hard and with a lot of heart. They didn’t give that game away, the Giants earned it.

AFC and NFC Conference Championships – Sun Jan 22
Sat Jan 14
  Spring’s Picks Results Prince’s Picks Results Game Results
BAL @ NE  New England W Baltimore L 20 – 23
Sun Jan 15
NYG @ SF NY Giants W NY Giants W 20 17 OT
Totals: Wins – 2     Losses – 0   of 2
Season: W = 173 / L = 93  of 266
The Prince
Totals: Wins – 1    Losses – 1   of 2
Season: W = 138 / L = 128  of 266
This entry was posted on January 23, 2012, in Sports - NFL.

NFL Conference Week

Ok, man, that beating Tebow took was awful. If I weren’t a man I probably would have cried. Especially since he didn’t cover the fricken spread. I’m ok though, I didn’t have real money on it. I guess that’s the difference between live and replay, Mel’s movie got to be kinda boring after about an hour and half of beating. But that beating in the game was live!

Speaking of beatings, did the Packers miss the plane to Lambeau Field? No worries though, it wasn’t much of a game, so they didn’t miss anything. Except another Lombardi…

Guess I have to root for Baltimore so I can see brothers face off in the Superbowl. That’s almost as bad as having to root for New England.

My take:









New England



New England



NY Giants

San Francisco



San Francisco









New England





San Francisco



San Francisco


There are no good bets.


Tebow is no Person of Interest…



This entry was posted on January 22, 2012, in Sports - NFL.

2011 NFL Conference Weekend – Picks

One more weekend till the Superbowl.

AFC and NFC Conference Championships – Sun Jan 22
Momma The Prince
BAL @ NE  New England Baltimore
NYG @ SF NY Giants NY Giants
This entry was posted on January 22, 2012, in Sports - NFL.

2011 NFL Division Weekend – Results

Holy cow, what happened last weekend? People who are smarter than we are thought New Orleans and Green Bay should win their games easily. So why didn’t they? Did they forget to show up? Did they think they were that much better than their opponents that their respective games would be easy? Or did their opponents simply want the win more than they did? I think that’s the case in San Francisco. The 49’ers played with a deep emotion and desire to win that the Saints didn’t seem to have. Maybe that’s the price of having to play the previous week. San Francisco was not only well rested, the were well motivated.

But what’s the excuse for Green Bay? Surely they should have won against the NY Giants. I think they wanted it just as much. But I also think that the Giants stepped up to the plate toward the end of the year as their defense came together in a big way. Could be as they were improving, the Packers were getting tired and banged up trying to keep their winning streak going. Certainly they weren’t the same team after their 1st and only loss to Kansas City. Maybe it was mental, maybe it was physical, or maybe they just pushed to hard at the end of the season and burned out in the long run.

Either way, the Prince and I finished the week out 2 for 4. 50% at least. But we’re disappointed in those 2 losses.

Divisional Playoffs
Sat Jan 14
NO @ SF  New Orleans L New Orleans L 32 – 36
DEN @ NE New England W New England W 10 – 45
Sun Jan 15
HOU @ BAL Baltimore W Baltimore W 13 – 20
NYG @ GB Green Bay L Green Bay L 37 – 20
Totals: Wins – 2     Losses – 2 of 4
Season: W = 171 / L = 93  of 264
The Prince
Totals: Wins – 2     Losses – 2 of 4
Season: W = 137 / L = 127  of 264
This entry was posted on January 18, 2012, in Sports - NFL.

2011 NFL Division Weekend – Picks

It might be the last weekend for everyone to Tebow Tonight. I have to say, I’m getting rather tired of the hype. The kid is good, but come one, enough with the dipping him in gold, he hasn’t won these games on his own. I’m really hoping New Orleans pulls out the win today. I think they will, but I really like the Saints and would love to see them in the Superbowl again!

The Prince and I have made our picks for the weekend:

Divisional Playoffs
  Momma The Prince
Sat Jan 14
NO @ SF New Orleans New Orleans
DEN @ NE New England New England
Sun Jan 15
HOU @ BAL Baltimore Baltimore
NYG @ GB Green Bay Green Bay
This entry was posted on January 14, 2012, in Sports - NFL.

NFL Divisional Week

I guess it’s my fault for dissing The Tebow. So we were all punished for my transgression. Still though, I feel like I got a whole lot of help from the Tin Foil Curtain.

Now the bad news for The Tebow. I have it on good authority that Pontius Pilate… er I mean, Belichick has authorized the beatings and they are set to begin at 8 PM EST on Saturday January 14th live on CBS. It really is evil to make me root for New England.

My take:









New England



New England










NY Giants

Green Bay



Green Bay



New Orleans

San Francisco



San Francisco









New England










Green Bay



Green Bay


New Orleans



San Francisco


There are no good bets.


I suppose it would be in bad taste for the NE grounds keeper to paint human size crosses on the field with “Insert Tebow here” under them. I should shut up now, ‘fore I’m forced to do something like root for Dallas.


This entry was posted on January 12, 2012, in Sports - NFL.