Android App Review

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

A Long, Continually Running Android App Review

It’s only been a few weeks since I upgraded my phone to a Galaxy Nexus, but I’m already an app addict. I’ve tried out a number of different apps that offer the same service and made comparisons between this and that. I try to do some research on the apps before I download them. Read the reviews and consider how many people are using the app and the over comments. But even then, you can end up with an app that simply doesn’t do what you want it to do and you have to start over.

I’m a retired IT geek, but I’m by no means a professional software critic or reviewer. I simply know what I like and as a Mom with a busy schedule. I get to stay at home and write articles and books. So what I need may not be the same thing as what a professional workaholic requires.

So these are simply what I like and what I’ve learned about the apps that do what I need them to do. I should mention these are not in any particular order. Continue reading

The Rails At Dusk

After Dinner Treat…Again

It’s always nice to take a walk on a warm summers night after dinner. One of our favorite places to take our walk is along the trains. They set off some very lovely light shows.




© This material is the intellectual property of Author Springwolf
© 2006-2013 All Rights Reserved, Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D.

Using Your Galaxy Nexus

The Home Screen

Some Tid-Bits For Apps & Features

Updated: 01/18/2013

Here are some things I’ve learned as a newbie with my new phone. I love this thing! I’ll probably be adding quite often here. So check back for new things I’ve discovered. You might also want to check out Things To Know About Galaxy Nexus

Remember you can always access the online manual and search for help: Galaxy Nexus Help

– How to access apps and widgets:

  • From the home screen, click the app icon button. It’s the (:::) button at the bottom, in the center.
  • Apps that are already installed on your phone will be listed in alphabetical order and you can scroll through pages of apps by swiping your finger across the screen.
  • At the top of the apps page, you’ll see the word “Widgets” in the menu. Click that to see the widgets currently installed on your phone. Continue reading

Things To Know About Galaxy Nexus

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

The Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Updated: 09/04/2012

I LOVE my new phone! Now I understand what everyone means when they say “There’s an App for that”!

We picked up my new phone on Thursday and I spent the rest of the evening and much of Friday learning the basics and finding information about smart phones in general and specifics about the Nexus. Or as the Prince calls it the “Nuke-sus“.

Before I get into the apps, here’s some money saving advice. Don’t buy a phone cover or stylus for your phone from your local stores. They are WAY over priced! Go to Amazon and you’ll find the same things for about $5.00 or less. I bought a cover for my phone and instead of spending the $30+ at Target or Wal-Mart, I picked it up for $5.95. I also picked up a set of 6 colored stylus pens for less than $4.00. Continue reading

The Little Prince & Technology

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

The Funny Things Kids Say

So Momma got a new phone this week. I LOVE my new phone! It’s a Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

The man child also loves my new phone because he can play Angry Birds and F18 Flight Simulator. I think he’s spent more time on my phone than I have.

But last night when we were looking for the flight simulator game, he said the funniest thing. Well it’s not what he said, it was the way he said it.

“Momma, can you play MetalStorm on your Nukesus phone?”

..the answer is No..MetalStorm is for Apple devices only. But I’m not sure it would work on a “Nuke-sus” phone either.

© 2012 Evil Wordsmith. All Rights Reserved.



It’s A Sad Day

We tried, but we didn’t win one of this weeks Beta Key give a ways. Pretty bummed about that. But there’s still hope. I’ve heard a rumor that KingsIsle will be making new contests and offers soon. We’ll keep everyone posted on that. Not like everyone is clamoring to get to our new blog “A Pirate’s Portal“, but never know who’ll be stopping by!

© 2012 All Rights Reserved.

How To Backup Your Blog!

Don’t Lose All That Hard Work

We often think about backing up the data on our computers, but how many people think about backing up their articles and pictures on their blog?  What about the comments and discussions? What would you do, if something happened and you lost all that work? It can happen, by accident, by virus or by changing to a new host. Not everyone helps you port your old blog to your new one.

If you use WordPress for your blog, you’re in luck. There’s an easy way to back up your blog and keep it safe. And you don’t even have to be a techno-geek to do it!

If you’re running the newer versions of WordPress, you have a Dashboard where you can create new posts, update media, add or manage your links, pages, comments and feedbacks. Here where you customize your appearance and plugins, you’ll also find a menu item for the WP Tools. That’s where you’re find your back up utility.

You should back up your blog at the end of every week. You can put an appointment in your calendar to remind you to do this every Friday afternoon. That way you’ll schedule the time for it and a reminder. It only takes 10-minutes, if that, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing you can recover all that work if you have to. Continue reading

Must Have Utilities For Your Computer

Recovering from a PC Virus – Some Lessons Learned


Protecting Your PC

Yesterday I allowed our 9 year old Prince to play on my computer. That turns out to have been a mistake. About an hour into his foray of watching some lego video, he receives a message over the browser window. Instead of reading it and asking his dad or me about it, he clicked a button and went on with his video. Something he has been told NOT to do. And he discovered the reason…he infected my computer with a pretty nasty virus!

Thankfully both SirEvil and I are IT geeks. But my IT skills are more related to mainframes and corporate servers, than desktop computers. Thankfully SirEvil is the desktop King. It took the entire day from about 10am to midnight to fully correct the infection and ensure everything was ok, running right and safe again. With a few extra checks and tweaks this morning, my laptop is virus free and more tightly secured. Which includes not allowing our little Prince to touch my laptop again!

Yes I already had virus software..sadly that doesn’t help when someone doesn’t ‘read’ and volunteers to install the virus. Virus software alone may not be all you need to find worms and protect your machine from invaders. So here is a list of helpful, reliable and FREE tools and advice to help keep your pc and your information safe. Continue reading

Do You Believe In Allmendinger?

Allmendinger Tests Positive for Prescription Drug

AJ Allmendinger
Nascar Driver

In an exclusive ESPN interview with Marty Smith, AJ Allmendinger says the drug he tested positive for was a legal substance, prescription Adderall…well it was sort of legal.

You see AJ doesn’t have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which is what Adderall is prescribed for. So not only does he not have a need for the medication, he doesn’t have a prescription for the medication either. 

Then what’s it doing in his system? AJ tells Smith: ” he had been out in Louisville, Ky., the Wednesday before the Quaker State 400 race at Kentucky Speedway and was tired.  A friend, Allmendinger said, handed him a pill and stated it was a workout supplement that would give him energy. Allmendinger ingested the pill.”

Say what? You took a pill based on what “a friend” says when you know the potential dangers to your career if it turns out to be something it’s not? I guess if the “friend” was really a friend they’d be honest about what it was. They’d know the potential issues with a Nascar Driver being randomly tested. Or better yet, they’d suggest going home and going to be instead of being out partying and giving them a substance they aren’t prescribed. What kind of friend was this anyway?  Not much of one that’s for sure. Continue reading