Looking Through A Kids Eyes

Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

What The Universe Looks Like – When You’re 9

We’ve made mention here before about the advanced reading of our son. When he was in 3rd grade he was tested at school for his reading and comprehension ability. As all kids are. Our little Prince was scored on a 12th grade reading level. Ok, we knew he was smart; but he’s still a kid.

This year his reading ability is so high, the school test can’t score his reading ability. So they’re saying he’s on a college level with his reading. Now there are good and bad sides to this. The good side, he’s smart and when he wants to know something he goes to Google and he reads about it. His interests lean toward science and computers. The first webpage he book marked was a page that discusses the periodic table.

The bad side is that it’s hard to find books for him to read for his homework that aren’t too easy and will still keep his interest. His favorite books are “Hank The Cowdog” by John Erickson. Now these aren’t real hard books to read, but they aren’t really written for kids. Mr. Erickson has a history of saying he didn’t intend these books to be for children. But kids love them! And adults too. They really are hilarious and not in a childish way. Continue reading

NFL Week 5 Results & Week 6 Picks

Spring and The Prince Results & Picks

Let’s start with the Week 6 Picks:
This week the Prince didn’t seem to stick with his “the bigger animal will win” strategy. He’s going with his gut feeling. And he made his picks before I made mine, so this is going to be interesting, since I know he’s not really up on who is who in the NFL. He’s 9, but he’s also a science/computer geek. Still he’s a pretty smart kid, so we’ll have to see how his intuition holds up.

Now for me, I think the best game of the week is going to be the Giants and 49’ers. It’s only my perspective, but I don’t think it’s a clear win for either side. I do think San Francisco is coming up to their peak, where as the Giants are on the other side of the mountain and we’ll see them in a rebuilding year soon enough. So I’m going with the 49’ers. Continue reading

NFL Weeks 5

Evil’s Picks

When you’re the 4-0 Arizona Cardinals, there’s nothing like stopping by St. Louis so they can remind you that you’re still the Arizona Cardinals, and you are not going to the playoffs.

My take for week 5:

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2012 NFL Picks – Week 5

Picks for Spring & the Little Prince

We had a tough time picking some of the games. Some of them seem to be toss ups. The Prince thinks the Colts should pull out a victory at home. I’m not so sure about that, but he had some good reasons. Though I hope this past Sunday’s win for my Skins will give them a confidence boost to take on Atlanta, I don’t think they can pull off a win against the Falcons. And the Prince thinks the Saints have been embarrassed enough to really be mad about now and that emotional energy will garner a win at home.

So here’s our Picks for Week 5 of the 2012 NFL Season..

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2012 NFL Picks – Week 4 Results

Results For Spring & The Little Prince

It wasn’t a bad weekend after all. My skins won, my Titans won, the kids Eagles won and the cowboys lost in spectacular fashion and it doesn’t get much better than that. But it did! The regular/professional refs were back in full swing and man did it show. There were one or two ..um..interesting calls, but I think things generally worked out in the end. And they were certainly a whole lot better than the replacement refs.

I ended the weekend on a high note, picking both the Sunday and Monday night games correctly. The Prince and his method didn’t work so well for him. But he’s happy his Eagles won against the Giants.

Here are our results for week 4. Not bad…not bad at all (well for me anyway). Continue reading

2012 NFL Weeks 1 to 4

Evil’s Picks

Due to the epic struggle to close one bad business and start the next one, I’ve been too busy to worry with the NFL. So now to keep my sanity from all the spreadsheets and document mining I’ve been doing, I’m making my football picks. Of course, that involves a lot of document mining and spreadsheets.

Hmm… keeping the sanity might be a lost cause.

Here’s the up to date stats/picks. Continue reading

2012 NFL Picks – Week 4

Spring & The Prince Make Their First Picks Of The Season

The Prince and I are a little behind in getting our picks posted for this week. Last week was miserable for me with 7 wins and 9 losses. But the Prince’s method of choosing the bigger animal to win served him well and he ended the week with 11 wins and 5 losses. But this week the regular refs are back so we’ll have to wait and see how he does.

Our picks for this week are:
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A Train Reward

A Lazy End To Summer

During the school year when the boys need their hair cut, we turn the mundane errand into a fun train watching reward afterwards. That’s the great thing about the local grocery store deli. Nothing like popcorn chicken to put a smile on everyone’s face.


Amtrak 154

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Write A Letter To Your 16-Year Old Self

Dale Earnhardt  Jr

Dale Earnhardt Jr. #88

What Would You Say?

All week I’ve heard about this article that Dale Earnhardt Jr. wrote to his 16 year old self. A CBS News project that aired September 12, 2012.

As reported by the media, other Nascar fans and friends, it’s a very moving insight from one of racing’s premier drivers. It reflects on relationships, worries, his career and it even has some humor tossed in for good measure.

It is indeed a very moving reflection from a man who is not comfortable with being in the limelight each and every time he steps through the door. And it made me wonder, if you wrote a letter to your 16 year old self, what would you say?

One of the most poignant lines in his letter that hit home for me was: “You’re there, worried about me here.”

It caused me to think about how much time we waste worrying about things that may never happen, scared to take the chance on that first step on our way to finding out what we can accomplish. One of my favorite things to tell people in my practices is: “We can’t go back and change the past, but we can change the way we allow the past to affect our present and our future.” That starts by living life in the now, to the fullest and without worrying about the failures that “might” cross your path. You will never grab the brass ring, if you don’t take the chance to reach for it in the first place.

Letter Transcript:
Here is a transcript of Jr’s letter to himself:
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Southbound Amtrak

There aren’t many things we get to do for free. But watching trains is one of those things we really enjoy doing and it doesn’t cost anything but gas.


Amtrak 85


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