NFL Weeks 15 and 16

Evil’s Week 15 Results and Week 16 Picks

Turns out that during Week 14 there was a good bet, but the spreads weren’t posted by the time I put up my predictions. The bet was that Oakland would cover the 10 point spread by beating Denver. Well it was a good bet all the way up till they actually played (or in the case of Oakland, not…) the game.

Then likewise there was a good bet that Baltimore would cover the 3 point spread by beating the crap out of Denver. Which goes to prove my rule: Never make bets on the B teams. Baltimore and Buffalo will play fine right up until the moment you put money on them. Then, suddenly, they mimic Oakland.

So imagine my terror as I tell you that the only good bet this week is that Cleveland will cover the 13 point spread versus Denver. I see a terrifying pattern where I lose all my money to a bookie. I guess it’s fortunate I have no money. Continue reading

NFL Week 15 & Week 16

Spring and The Prince Review Their Picks

It was a good week for me, 11 out of 16 games. That’s 68.75% for week. Hey..I’m claiming that .75%! I expected Atlanta to phone it in and instead they showed up with both wings working and pecked the Giants into a shut out. But it wasn’t the only shut out for the week. Wholly cow! I know Tampa isn’t great this year, but even if they missed the plane New Orleans, they were close enough to drive there! Oakland shutting out Kansas City wasn’t that surprising so let’s move on.

My Redskins won! Again. Yeah! Sadly the kid’s Philadelphia Eagles didn’t put up much of a fight against the Bengals. But the big game was on Monday night. Twitter was filled with disparaging remarks about how bad the game was, how bad both teams played. Frankly we went to bed. So I missed the ugliness and woke up seeing a “W” next to my Titans! YES! Continue reading

Tracking Santa 2012

The Official NORAD Santa Tracker

They’re up and running and have been for a few weeks now. The NORAD website that helps all kids, young and old to track Santa’s journey across the sky on December 24th.

You can receive updates from the North Pole and to discover new surprises on Santa’s Activity Page.

And even more important, you can find out how you can help make this Christmas very special for those who serve our nation with Operation Good Will.

Oh and don’t forget to check out their Facebook page, or down load their app for Android and iPhones!

© Springwolfs Hanko
  © 2012 Evil Wordsmith. All Rights Reserved.


Prayers & Sympathies To Newtown, Connecticut

Our Deepest Sympathies To The Community Of Newtown, Connecticut

Our hearts and prayers go out to the families, friends and the community of the  Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel over the tragic loss of so many young innocent lives.  Our sympathies, love and support we send out to all families and friends of those have been taken from this world too soon. We pray that the GreatSpirits welcome them with love and compassion. And that each and everyone touched by this devastating tragedy is illuminated and comforted in Divine Light. May you find the strength to endure and live on to hold their memories in your hearts.

I hope the following articles help those looking for ways to cope:
1. When Tragedy Strikes: When Bad Things Happen To Good People
2. Dealing With Trials and Grief

Springwolf holds a Doctorate in Divinity and a Doctorate in Philosophy in Spiritual Counseling. She counsels families and women of abuse.

© Springwolfs Hanko
© 2012 Evil Wordsmith. All Rights Reserved.

2012 NFL Week 14 / 15

Spring and The Prince Make Their Picks

Well last week seems to have been a wash out. There were some upsets and some surprises. The Prince and I finished the week in a tie, both of us winning 50% of the games. Not great, but hey we broke even.

Dallas took the week on raw emotion. I have to say as much as I don’t like Dallas, I’m glad they won that game. Very sad situation for them. Wish I could say that for Kansas City. Our sympathies to the family and friends of both teams.

My favorite Nascar Driver Tony Stewart’s team the Indianapolis Colts pulled off a win! And woohoo for my Redskins in OT! On the other hand, what in the world has happened to Atlanta? There’s no way they should have lost that game! But we can’t be too upset about that since Evil was born and raised in Charlotte. His team won so that makes three woohoos! Continue reading

New App Reviews For Android

Updates To My Galaxy Nexus App Reviews

I’ve added two new apps to my phone. HBOGO and CNN. And I’ve updated the review for the Nascar app through the Sprint network.

My laptop crashed right after Thanksgiving. Very irritating! But it meant I paid more attention to what we were watching on TV. I noticed a commercial on HBO about their new phone app, to take HBO with you. Thought that was interesting! It didn’t occur to me to watch HBO on my phone. And why not? We watch other videos, why not HBO?! So I ran off to the Google play store and there it was: HBOGO. I LOVE this app!

Not long after we were out shopping and someone at one of our local stores mentioned some breaking news. They were looking for information on the radio. Well I have a smart phone now (honestly I’m still not used to this). So I got on the browser and looked for info. In my search I saw a link to download CNNs app. Hey..there’s an idea. News at your finger tips.

That prompted me to check on our local news, for us that’s the local NBC station. Sure enough they have an android app. I didn’t add a review for them, since they’re local, but check out what we think of HBOGo and CNN’s app.

You’ll find all my app reviews @ Android App Review. Yeah..real unique I know.

© Springwolfs Hanko


 © 2012 Evil Wordsmith. All Rights Reserved.

Happy Holidays

Tony Stewart's Reindeer #14 By Springwolf

Tony Stewart’s Reindeer #14 By Springwolf

From Our Family To Yours

May you all have a blessed, abundant and joyful Holiday Season!
This time of year is for good cheer, peace and compassion between all people.

It’s the time for Pagan Yule, which begins at sunset on the Winter Solstice (for 2012 that’s December 21st) and ends at sunset on January 1st.

It’s also Hanukkah,which starts on the Hebrew calendar date of 25 Kislev, and lasts for eight days. This year Hanukkah begins in the evening of December 8, 2012, and ends in the evening of December 16, 2012.

It’s the time of Kwanzaa begins December 26, 2012, and ends January 1, 2013.

And it’s the time for Christmas which is celebrated on December 25th, 2012.

Whatever holiday you celebrate, we all will be cheering on December 31st to ring in the New Year.

Whither that’s Merry Yule, Happy Holidays, Merry Solstice or whatever you want to say. Allow the feeling of peace and unity to spread on through you and let it grow in strength and compassion.

So Merry Yule to one and all. I hope your chosen holiday is a bright one filled with joy, peace and abundance through all the days to come.

© Springwolfs Hanko

© 2012 Evil Wordsmith. All Rights Reserved.


NFL Week 14

Sir Evil Makes His Assessments and Picks

Week 14

The game to watch this week: Houston at the Pats. This game decides which team goes to the Superbowl to beat Atlanta.

I got the bet right on the Dallas game. Sad to say Philly didn’t beat them though. I guess the Dallas fans are out of money now, cause there aren’t any good bets this week.

My take: Continue reading

No Indy 500 / Coke 600 For Stewart

3-Time Sprint Cup Champion
Tony Stewart
“The People’s Champion”

Tony Stewart Announces: No Double for 2013

Smoke fans were excited at the proposition that their favorite driver might run the infamous racing “Double” in 2013. What’s the Double? Well it’s only one of the most arduous days in racing, requiring a race car driver to participate in the Indianapolis 500 AND the Coca-Cola 600 in the same day. Yep, two of the longest races of the season for both Indy and Nascar series racing.

Tony Stewart has run the Double before. He ran both races in 1999, his Nascar Rookie year. He finished 9th in the Indy 500 and 4th in the Coke 600. He completed 1,090 miles of the 1,100 miles of the combined races. Pretty fantastic finishes in both races.

In 2001, Smoke made the attempt at the Double again. This time running all of the 1,100 miles even with a brief 17 minute rain delay in Indy. In addition he proved his talent and ability as a race car driver by improving his previous effort finishes in both races. Crossing the finish line at Indy in 6th and 3rd at the Coke 600.

So when Roger Penske made the public offer for Tony to run the Double again next year, fans were excited! During the final Awards ceremony in Vegas for Nascar’s Championship Week, Standing at the microphone for his speech as owner of this years Nascar Championship team, Penske announces “Where’s Stewart? How about doing the double at Indy this year? You available?” And while the banquet hall erupted in laugher, Mr. Penske was serious. Explaining his offer was in earnest at a later after awards ceremony interview. Continue reading

NFL Week 13 Results & Week 14 Picks

Spring and The Prince Review The Games of the Week

Wasn’t a bad week for me. 10 of 16 games, that’s about 63%. And let me say that’s a better weekly average than some professional commentators and their picks last week. So I’m happy with that. And that’s also my season average so far as well. Not bad for a ‘girl’.  The Prince however, well he’s got some work to do. But one thing he has on his side is loyalty. He’s bound and determined to make his picks by his which animal is bigger method. I’m trying to teach him about statistics and injury reports. He listens, but still goes back to his animal loyalty.

So last week’s results were interesting. I’m ecstatic that my Skins won Monday night against the Giants. And I’m not the only fan who was pleased as punch! One of the Redskins most famous fans was also thrilled to no end. So much so that he even put his emotions into words and it was printed by ESPN with an introduction by Marty Smith. Even if you’re just a fan of the NFL and not a Skins fan, you should still read the article. It captures the emotions of any die-hard fan for their favorite team. Check it out: Dale Jr.: Why I Love the Redskins. Continue reading