I received my Masters!!

Happy Solstice Everyone !

I received notification during the weekend that I had passed my masters exams and that my masters thesis was accepted. It was a major relief getting that letter. The longer the time went by, the more I was getting worried the thesis was going to be rejected. A number of my close friends have told me that I have connected the energy of the Doctorate program to the energy of the new business. And I’m stuck on the business primarily because I’m worried about the studies. So getting that note seriously took some pressure off my mind and shoulders. Whew. So this solstice was a special one for me personally. A few people emailed and asked if they could read the thesis when it was done. I was reluctant to do that at the time. Didn’t want you guys to see how bad it was. Now that it’s been accepted, I have put it on Spring’s Haven. If anyone wants to check it out. It’s kind of a large PDF file, but you’ll find it @ http://springshaven.com/articles/index.htm It’s listed as the 3rd item on the left side of the menu.

So with this part of my dream completed, I lit a candle, drew a circle and had my own private moment of thanks and gratitude for the help the GreatSpirits gave me. Course I did ask for some help for the next part – writing the Doctoral Dissertation. First thing to do is decide what topic to cover.

But for now, I am so happy I graduated. I get to put letters by my name now and be Rev.Spring, M.Msc. Woohoo

Update: September 1, 2008 — I received my Doctorate!

After many years of researching, learning and formal education I finally reached a long term goal. My Doctoral Dissertation passed muster and I have received my Doctorate in Divinity in Metaphysical Studies on August 26, 2008.

There’s a measurable sense of pride and satisfaction on not only completing a goal, but of achieving a higher level of education and degree. I’ve worked very hard over the years to continue my education, even though it may have been informal. I truly love researching about beliefs and spirituality on all paths and faiths. But there’s nothing like going through formal education and acquiring recognition of that which you have learned. I’m a doctor now. Rev. SpringWolf, D.D.  Wow.