Happy Independence Day to all Americans everywhere!
Happy Independence Day to all Americans everywhere!
Especially to our service men and women serving here and abroad!
To all those who support our military, in the past and in the present!
To all those who fight for our freedoms and our rights, in everyday life.
Thank you all for your service and all you do to keep our country great!
Many Blessings,
~ Springwolf

While you celebrate this weekend, remember all those who came before us and sacrificed so much. The men and women of our armed forces of course! But don’t forget those who put all they had on the line for you. The founding fathers, the families and the patriots who stand tall, who fight with their voice or their pen. It takes more than brute force to make freedom remain free. It takes a nation of people from sea to sea.
So make sure you exercise your freedoms each day. Not only on the 4th, but each time of the year when your voice can be heard. Many have died for your right to sing out. So show your respect, not in hollow words of thanks or waves of recognition. But where it counts most, in the town hall meetings, the city square and the voting booth. But do it with dignity, civility and respect. For those who came before you didn’t die to promote hate. They gave of themselves, their family and fate, so all could be free in the land of the brave!

© 2014 Springwolf, D.D., Ph.D., Evilwordsmith.com. All Rights Reserved.