Archive | August 25, 2012

Things To Know About Galaxy Nexus

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

The Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Updated: 09/04/2012

I LOVE my new phone! Now I understand what everyone means when they say “There’s an App for that”!

We picked up my new phone on Thursday and I spent the rest of the evening and much of Friday learning the basics and finding information about smart phones in general and specifics about the Nexus. Or as the Prince calls it the “Nuke-sus“.

Before I get into the apps, here’s some money saving advice. Don’t buy a phone cover or stylus for your phone from your local stores. They are WAY over priced! Go to Amazon and you’ll find the same things for about $5.00 or less. I bought a cover for my phone and instead of spending the $30+ at Target or Wal-Mart, I picked it up for $5.95. I also picked up a set of 6 colored stylus pens for less than $4.00. Continue reading

The Little Prince & Technology

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

The Funny Things Kids Say

So Momma got a new phone this week. I LOVE my new phone! It’s a Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

The man child also loves my new phone because he can play Angry Birds and F18 Flight Simulator. I think he’s spent more time on my phone than I have.

But last night when we were looking for the flight simulator game, he said the funniest thing. Well it’s not what he said, it was the way he said it.

“Momma, can you play MetalStorm on your Nukesus phone?”

..the answer is No..MetalStorm is for Apple devices only. But I’m not sure it would work on a “Nuke-sus” phone either.

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