Archive | July 5, 2012

Upgrading WordPress Is A Pain In The Butt!

Upgrading to 3.4.1

Today I went to update the links or SirEvil’s blog here. Easy enough. When I login I see a message that WordPress needs to be upgraded. Ok, no problem. Pft…famous last words.

Explain to me why any software package upgrades and replaces the data it’s designed to display. Say what?! The posts aren’t changing, the meta data for the posts, such as the categories and tags weren’t changing. The links weren’t going away, and the images used on the site weren’t going to disappear. So explain to me why the hell any system software feels the need to remove the data as part of it’s upgrade!?

Thank the hosting gods at BlueHost who run weekly backups of the databases or we would have lost EVERY THING! But I got it upgraded, and we’re running a new theme. Which I had to recreate from scratch! How extraordinary annoying!

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