Archive | March 2012

A Musing from Evilwordsmith

20070506-05.jpgDuring this past weekend’s Nascar race in Phoenix, Sir Evil said:

Breaking News: Dark Matter Has Been Found

I know where the dark matter is…

1. It’s invisible, you can’t observe it directly. It requires the skill of special personnel to tell you it’s there.
2. It’s apparently dangerous to motorists.
3. It stops time.
4. It only stops time after you get the sense that time must have stopped.
5. It has another name: “debris on the track.”

Women’s Health Issues or the Dark Age of Women’s Rights?

All the recent uproar over contraception for women only adds more fuel to a fire that has been slowly burning for decades between the powerful masculine elite in government and constant fight women have been facing for centuries. Politicians are great at pointing fingers toward the middle east and demanding they treat women with more respect, recognize their rights as human citizens of their country and protect them from abusive husbands or male family members. But then in the same breath, they turn around and try to force women here in the ‘land of the free’ into the same servitude and degradation they’re yelling at the middle east for.

All of this arguing and negative discourse is culminating on the shoulders of Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who was denied the opportunity to testify before congress.

What gets me about this whole thing is that it’s obvious some commentators didn’t listen to her comments. Because she’s talking about birth control for her friend, who was taking it not for ‘birth control’ but for Treatment of endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. Her friend couldn’t afford the medication (that is what this is, medication, prescribed by a doctor) to help this young woman avoid a disease that can cause the destruction of her ovaries. She couldn’t afford it, stopped taking it and within 6 to 10 months she was forced to undergo surgery to have her ovaries removed. She was faced with doing something simple to prevent disease or face a more serious illness. And because of politicians who say on one had the government has no business interfering with your freedoms then turn around and interfere with the most important freedom any human deserves to have, the right to live a healthy life.

There are many reasons someone would take birth control. Continue reading

This entry was posted on March 2, 2012, in Politics.

Springwolf Reflections



A blog of Spiritual Enlightenment and Thought

On February 1, 2012 Spring’s Haven rolled out an interactive blog for our founder Springwolf author of Pagan Metaphysics 101.

The blog allows Spring to share her thoughts on various matters of spiritual research, insights for daily practice, lessons for spiritual professionals and additional perceptions behind our Daily Tarot Meditation drawing and message. Along with book news, appearances and general happenings from today’s news.

You’ll also find a weekly Sunday Homily and several Life Lessons Series to enjoy and learn from.

Check out Springwolf Reflections or visit the article list @ Reflections A-Z!